Connecting children to the universe and their role within it through storytelling, images and videos. We, and everything we see, are all made of stardust; we are inextricably inter-related. We each have a unique and precious genius. All cells/organisms have the same basic biological, environmental and relational needs. Elements and invisibles. Energy and matter. Cells communicate and cooperate chemically, electrically, and energetically. Space and time. Quantum reality. Interconnectedness.
1. Story of the Universe & Evolution
Thomas Berry:
“Through human beings, the Universe has begun to remember and tell its own story of being born and growing up…We can experience the Universe in its full grandeur, and deeply sense the numinous presence that pervades the entire world around us. To awaken to the wonder of the Universe is to appreciate life in its full excitement. We might also develop a new capacity to relate to each other. A reverence for the Universe is the beginning of true reverence for the divine and for each other.
Nowhere is the telling of this story more important than to children. Human life will be very different if our children learn the story. The first obligation of one generation to the next is to bring together Universe and child so that the Universe is fulfilled in the child and the child is fulfilled in the Universe.
We need to hear the story from our cradle days through all stages of our lives, for we refer to the Universe for our origin and ultimate destiny. It’s time to reshape our thinking inside of this context. Indeed, our future depends on it."
The New Cosmology, the New Story and the Cosmic Story
These terms refer to the story of the emerging evolutionary universe. The universe story is our story. Thomas Berry says we are in trouble now because we do not have a good story. We are between stories. The old story of how the world came to be is not functioning properly, we are destroying Earth and we need a new story to help to live in right relationship with Earth and Cosmos. Learning this story places us in relationship to all of the more than human. “We cannot know ourselves in any adequate manner except through an account of the transformations of the universe and of the planet Earth through which we came into being. This new story of the universe is our personal story as well as our community story. [Source: Earth Literacy site]
Universe Stories...
VIDEOS (public)
BEST SHORT Video (Youtube) 2024 “A Radical Guide to Reality” Dr. Jude Currivan (16-17 minutes)
Video (YouTube): 2013 Brian Swimme “Journey of the Universe” (56 + minutes).
Video (Youtube) 2007 Brian Swimme 10 part series, short (2-11 min.each)
Videos (Center for the Story of the Universe) Brian Swimme 11 videos (45 min. each)
“Powers of the Universe” .
Powers of the Universe, Betsey Crawford.
Center for the Story of the Universe:
BOOKS (Children)
Born with a Bang: The Universe Tells Our Cosmic Story (48 pages) + From Lava to Life + Mammals Who Morphed (Trilogy by Jennifer Morgan), hard cover and paperback (Ages 9 to adult)
The Seamless Universe, 2015, author/illustrator Donna Gibbs, CJS, 62 pages, soft cover (Ages 5 to adult), Outskirts
Great Ball of Fire! A Poetic Telling of the Universe Story BettyAnn Kissilove, 89 pages softcover, (Ages 10 to adult),
BOOKS (Adults)
2023 Cosmogenesis, An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe Brian Thomas Swimme,Available hardcover/paperback/audio, 336 pages
1996, 2019 Hidden Heart of the Universe, Brian Thomas Swimme, paperback, 144 pages
1994 Universe Story, From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era, Brian Swimme & Thomas Berry (science-based autobiographical fiction of the Universe), paperback and hardcover, 320 pages
1984 The Universe is a Green Dragon, A Cosmic Creation Story, Brian Swimme, paperback, 168 pages
Journey of the Universe:
The Human Energy Project:
Deep Time Network:
Our Knowledge of the Universe | PBS LearningMedia. Jun 10, 2016
Galaxies and the History of the Universe | Lesson Plan PBS LearningMedia. Mar 18, 2021
Origin and Evolution of the Universe. PBS LearningMedia. › subjects › science. Find lessons on Origin and Evolution of the Universe for all grades. Free interactive resources and activities for the classroom and home.